APN upgrade improves Siemens remote work capabilities

Liquid Intelligent Technologies implemented a single managed platform for Access Point Names (APNs), making remote work easier for employees and saving Siemens a fortune.


  • Siemens previously subscribed to numerous vendors for their APN, resulting in an unsatisfactory, expensive, and time-consuming environment for users within the business. In addition, dealing with multiple vendors made managing the network difficult and made it hard for IT to have 100% visibility on the network


  • Implementing a single-managed platform for APNs enabled Siemens to manage multiple sim cards from all three leading vendors


  • One centrally managed platform and a portal that enabled IT to have complete visibility of all the SIM cards allocated
  • Cost savings and improved efficiencies through the centrally managed platform
  • Improved Cyber Security services due to the single pane view and more control to the IT department without compromising on employee productivity or efficiency while enabling a seamless remote work culture

Following the completion of the project, Siemens announced that it was very pleased with new APN solution, as this implementation had resulted in massive cost savings for the company. The enterprise determined that there has been savings in the region of 40%, when compared directly to the money expended on the previous system.

In addition to this, the platform is also able to manage the company’s firewall for security purposes, as well as its connectivity, in order to connect securely to the APN throughout the various stages of lockdown this ultimately allows the enterprise’s employees to continue to work efficiently, securely and effectively from home.

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